The Global Shed

Just been looking at the list of countries from which Stu’s Shed has received visitors in the past 6 months.

Pretty mindblowing how small the global village has become. (Does that make me the village idiot?)

In order of number of visitors:

Australia (AU)
United States (US)
Canada (CA)
United Kingdom (GB)
New Zealand (NZ)
Germany (DE)
France (FR)
Brazil (BR)
Netherlands (NL)
South Africa (ZA)
Ireland (IE)
India (IN)
Denmark (DK)
Italy (IT)
Spain (ES)
Japan (JP)
Belgium (BE)
Russian Federation (RU)
Sweden (SE)
Europe (EU)
Philippines (PH)
Mexico (MX)
Malaysia (MY)
Poland (PL)
Israel (IL)
Norway (NO)
Turkey (TR)
Romania (RO)
Thailand (TH)
Portugal (PT)
Indonesia (ID)
Greece (GR)
Ukraine (UA)
Taiwan (TW)
China (CN)
Egypt (EG)
Argentina (AR)
Hungary (HU)
Finland (FI)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Croatia (HR)
Serbia (RS)
Bulgaria (BG)
Austria (AT)
Singapore (SG)
Lithuania (LT)
Korea, Republic of (KR)
Slovakia (SK)
Switzerland (CH)
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)
Hong Kong (HK)
United Arab Emirates (AE)
Chile (CL)
Colombia (CO)
Vietnam (VN)
Saudi Arabia (SA)
Slovenia (SI)
Estonia (EE)
Pakistan (PK)
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
Venezuela (VE)
Kenya (KE)
Puerto Rico (PR)
Nigeria (NG)
Sri Lanka (LK)
Kuwait (KW)
Peru (PE)
Latvia (LV)
Malta (MT)
Cyprus (CY)
Jamaica (JM)
Iceland (IS)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Belarus (BY)
Guatemala (GT)
Mauritius (MU)
Ghana (GH)
Macedonia (MK)
Brunei Darussalam (BN)
Costa Rica (CR)
Morocco (MA)
Palestinian Territory (PS)
Qatar (QA)
Oman (OM)
Panama (PA)
Ethiopia (ET)
Bahrain (BH)
Algeria (DZ)
Dominican Republic (DO)
Uruguay (UY)
Moldova, Republic of (MD)
Bangladesh (BD)
Jordan (JO)
Isle of Man (IM)
Georgia (GE)
Ecuador (EC)
Kazakstan (KZ)
Guernsey (GG)
Tunisia (TN)
Asia/Pacific Region (AP)
Lebanon (LB)
Barbados (BB)
Mongolia (MN)
Fiji (FJ)
Bolivia (BO)
Netherlands Antilles (AN)
Albania (AL)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)
El Salvador (SV)
Armenia (AM)
Azerbaijan (AZ)
Sudan (SD)
Bermuda (BM)
Uganda (UG)
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)
Guyana (GY)
Jersey (JE)
Yemen (YE)
Honduras (HN)
Saint Lucia (LC)
Syrian Arab Republic (SY)
Maldives (MV)
Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LA)
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI)
Botswana (BW)
Nepal (NP)
Namibia (NA)
Solomon Islands (SB)
Reunion (RE)
Zimbabwe (ZW)
French Polynesia (PF)
Suriname (SR)
Aruba (AW)
Haiti (HT)
Macau (MO)
Bahamas (BS)
Belize (BZ)
Antigua and Barbuda (AG)
Cambodia (KH)
Grenada (GD)
Luxembourg (LU)
Virgin Islands, British (VG)
Cote D’Ivoire (CI)
New Caledonia (NC)
Montenegro (ME)
Guam (GU)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)
Seychelles (SC)
Cameroon (CM)
Iraq (IQ)
Papua New Guinea (PG)
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD)
Vanuatu (VU)
Swaziland (SZ)
Lesotho (LS)
Mozambique (MZ)
Paraguay (PY)
Angola (AO)
Zambia (ZM)
Benin (BJ)
Cayman Islands (KY)
Bhutan (BT)
Uzbekistan (UZ)
Montserrat (MS)
Guadeloupe (GP)
Djibouti (DJ)
Northern Mariana Islands (MP)
Senegal (SN)
Kiribati (KI)

3 Responses

  1. You are pretty popular my friend.

  2. It is a sobering, and probably humbling thought that your little blog has grown to reach out to the world in all its diversity, with your inimitable dry wit, enthusiasm for the craft we love and share, and genuinely entertaining observations. Woodworking beats Esperanto as a common language anyday! Peace on Earth to all my brothers and sisters on the Earth, and kudos to you, Stu.

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