Shed Upgrade – pt XVI

Dang, but this is a big project! Yesterday was my final day with the voluntary (coerced) help of my folks before they headed back to NZ (to recover!) We didn’t get as far as we would have liked, but pretty much broke the back of the project.

The day consisted of loosing tools, finding tools, repairing tools and using tools (kind of poetic). I think a couple of my clamps are still up the tree where they were tossed in disgust. A good clamp is invaluable, a bad one……..

It was roof day, and although I still needed tarps at the end of the day (still have 1/2 a roof to go), the shed is finally starting to look like one again.

The ridgeboard in place, supported by some U shaped wood clamps (made on the bandsaw). They are mainly to help at this stage, but will be left there permanently to transfer load to the stringers.

All the trusses in place, ready for the roofing tin.

Place panel, drill, screw, rinse and repeat!

We have a partial roof!

As always, there is no photo from the end of the day – I was too buggered, and there wasn’t any light anyway.

4 Responses

  1. Looks Great Stuart. Very impressive.

    Glad to see that its all coming together and that the new Saw (even though it is not orange) will have somewhere comfortable to reside.

    Chris (from the west … where it is also raining cats and dogs:-))

  2. Thanks Chris! Well if Triton had an orange saw that size it’d probably be making its way there now!

    It feels like we are getting there at least. Be a couple more weekends before it is really a complete shell, but at least it will be secure and rainproof. Then comes the hard part – getting it functional again!

  3. The shed looks great. Thanks for the updates I am planning a new shed, and like your timber framed idea. – it will be easy to insulate with foilboard or similar.

  4. Blimey….

    when you have a breather please update your images on

    I thought your workshop was great before now it’s potential winning wossname..

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