3D printer arrival and build

Yes, this means that after a very long wait (18 months from order to delivery), the 3D printer ordered through crowdfunding (Kickstarter) has finally arrived.

Photo 8-10-2014 11 42 09The unpack can then begin

Photo 8-10-2014 11 42 38 Photo 8-10-2014 11 43 07 Photo 8-10-2014 11 43 23 Photo 8-10-2014 11 44 34Next, the items were removed and laid out, ready for assembly.

Photo 8-10-2014 11 53 48And then assembly begins.  Taken in short bites (as time permits), it will be a few days before testing can begin.

Photo 8-10-2014 17 50 44


Dual extruder unit

Photo 8-10-2014 17 50 47 Photo 8-10-2014 17 50 58 Photo 8-10-2014 17 51 21Extrusion nozzle, with heater and thermister.


Coming together pretty easily (despite the instruction manual!).

And finally, the rolls of filament (both ABS and PLA) ready to be turned into something else.Photo 8-10-2014 17 51 30